Thursday, April 17, 2008

Let's start the day again!

Good morning or should I say afternoon. I am not really sure which becasue it still feels like my morning but the clock is telling me other wise.

Where does the time go.

It's taken me this long to get myself out of bed and I still haven't had my shower or put any clothes on. It feels as though by the time I get around to it all it will be time to go to bed. These are the thoughts that often take up my day, which often means that I don't bother to get dressed at all, well what's the point if I am soon going to bed? This is definitley not my mindset (I'm such a dynamic woman). It's one I seem to have acquired from mr lupus who really will use any weapon at his disposal to prevent me from moving forward and triumphing.

So today even though it may be a rather late time to be starting the day I am going to have a shower, get dressed and go out.

I do hope you will join me!

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